Executive Coaching : Best Executive Coach in India – Dr. Vikas Vats

Best Executive Coach in India
Vikas Vats provides Executive Coaching to Leadership Teams to make them Present Perfect and Future Ready. Executive Coaching is a combination of Consulting and Therapy and Vikas Vats being a practicing Consultant & Psychologist for over 20 years brings innovative dimensions to his Coaching Methodologies.
Why Executive Coaching is important?
You want to be at the top of your vertical. You want to perform optimally, get that promotion, strike a balance between work and life and any vision you have in your mind that you want to manifest into reality. Largely, you want to increase your potential. It is true that any business professional has to be the best at what he/she does. This mere requirement only can predict how far you can go in your particular niche with the help of best executive coaches.
As an executive, you might have many problems with adjusting to your work culture, deficiency in some key skills, want to change your career or niche, work on creativity and developing necessary mindset or solve any unique problem which you find difficult to solve on your own.
It is believed that business professionals are not organically endowed with key skills or expertise to deal with such matters. Hence, it becomes necessary to find someone who can solve these problems for you. That someone is called an executive coach and the process is called executive coaching.
Why executive coaching works?
Let’s start with defining executive coaching. “ Executive Coaches act as coach, educator, mentor, guide, confidant, and challenger to those that carry the burden of executive level leadership, the c-level executives as well as their direct reports,” says Jim Mitchell, corporate leadership and teaming consultant. The goal is “holistic development of the executive.” An executive coaching session can work wonders and bring out the best in you making it a necessary investment which would increase your overall potential for the long-term. You do not only solve your immediate problems but also gain deep insights which can work miracles in every aspect of your life given that you contact a passionate and seasoned executive coach.
Let’s explore what are these benefits are and why they are so important for business managers, executives, owners and leaders:

Best Executive Coach in India Dr. Vikas Vats is engaged by the Organizations for mostly…
- To Coach High Potentials Executives , more
- To Facilitate Transitions
- To Act as a Sounding Board, more
- To Address Derailing Behavior
- Culture Sensitivity
- Any Diagnosed issue with the Coachee
- Customized Coaching Needs
A Typical Coaching Journey with Vikas Vats looks like this…

How Best Executive Coach in India Dr. Vats Imparts Result Oriented and Impact Assured Coaching
- Accurate Diagnosis : Vikas Vats developed the first Psychometric Test Software of India as early as in 2001. He is expert in Psychometrics and has conducted many training sessions on Psychometrics for HR Professionals.
- Developmental Plans : The Developmental Goals, Milestones & Actions are developed based sound Psychological Principles, which foster eagerness to change and the Coachees enjoy performing.
- Gamification : Vikas Vats uses gamification to keep Coachees engaged and interested in their Developmental Plans and they are always Self Motivated to Invest their [ TEEM ] Time, Energy, Efforts & Money in Themselves.
- Online Coaching Journey : The Coachees are onboarded on a robust online platform, which helps Vikas Vats to Realtime track each of his Coachees. He can assign, track and discuss the statuses of various Developmental Goals, Milestones, Actions & Assessments.
- Coachee’s Online Dashboard : The Coachee can also track her own Developmental Journey online and the status of tasks assigned.
- Neuropsychology : Coming from Neuropsychology background Vats is able to change even the hardest of the Coachee by developing burgeoning rapport and trust.

High Potential / Leadership Coaching
Vats’s Leadership Coaching for High Potentials revolves around 32 Leadership Competencies under four themes. The assessment gives SWOT on these competencies and based on Leadership Levels the theme weightage is taken into account.

High Potential Coaching
High Potential Coaching is for Leaders with proven potential where a professional coaching can bring palpable turnaround.

6 Ways How Best Executive Coaches can help you bring out Your Best Potential
Let’s explore what are these benefits are and why they are so important for business managers, executives, owners and leaders:
1. Adapt to the Agile Business World.
The business world around you is changing fast. Whatever vertical you work in, you would attest to the tectonic changes that have been brought about in just one decade because of innumerable variables – technology, changing business environments, fourth industrial revolution just to name a few. Business professionals, especially executives feel the need to absorb these changes or they soon find themselves languishing in their jobs. Being updated with the current industrial trends, skills, thought-processes is extremely important for the executives and leaders, and for this, they are actively seeking for relevant executive coaching opportunities.
Being on par with the evolving business and leadership dynamics is just one reason why executive coaching is being resorted to and not merely restricted to. There are numerous long-term benefits you can receive from talking to an executive coach.
2. Help you become a Better Leader (Leadership Coaching)
Leadership is a key skill which is necessary for business managers, leaders, or owners in any industry. Executive coaches are also leadership coaches and they can help you become better at leading your organization or team to the desired ends. What you need to priorities, which tasks need to be delegated, how to lead the team members to better efficiency, creating harmonious relationship between them are just some areas which you as a leader, constantly want to produce.
A leadership coach can provide you less-known insights to manage all these tasks and more.
3. Help you Achieve Work-Life balance
An executive coach does not just help you with work-related issues but can help you manage your personal life too. Our personal life is intrinsically related to the work life and managing both is necessary to produce positive outcomes. You can expect life coaching from an executive coach too helping you harmonize your personal life in the long term. This in turn, would positively contribute to your work life as well. Although it is considered that executive coaches just deal with the business world, but they know well how to help you excel in your personal life involving children, spouse, parents etc.
4. Help you Gain Deep Insights in your Vertical
An executive coach can help you perform optimally in your respective vertical. Whether that be Human Resources, Marketing, Finance, Operations, Software, Data Science or even being a CEO, executive coaches are people who regularly keep themselves updated with management and market trends and can share their keen knowledge with you too. Executive coaches are dedicated to master their niche and interviewing a lot of clients help them develop practical and nuanced experiences. Just one session with a coach can help you learn a lot.
5. Help you Gain Valuable Skills
An executive coach can help you build the skillset required in your work. A Coach can help you identify the soft and hard skills which would help you achieve your goals and provide expert steps to imbibe them. Whether you want to improve your communication, work on creativity, learn core skills such as management or leadership, your executive coach can help you work on all of them. It is necessary to talk to a niche-particular coach for this to happen. In addition to learning new skills, an executive coach can help you work on your existing skills and make them at par with the industry standards.
6. Be a Personal Coach for you
You want to change your career, build a unique portfolio, want to work on getting a promotion, just name it and your executive coach can help you tailor personalized plans. An executive coach is trained to solve problems for individuals. Everyone has unique situations, problems, background and ambitions. A coach can integrate all these variables and create solutions specifically for you. A coach can become a life coach and help you realize your dreams.