Best Corporate Trainer and Corporate Training – 27 Hows & Whys FAQs
Corporate Training and Corporate Trainer both these terms make a lot of people ask several questions to us. Especially, the young people who wish to have a career in Corporate Training regularly ask us these questions.
We have answered all those questions below.
Is Corporate Training A Good Career ?
Corporate training is a wonderful Career these days as all the corporate want competitive advantage and that can come only and only with highly skilled and capable manpower. Corporate usually are not equipped to train their own manpower for the present and future competencies and therefore require external help. A good corporate trainer can help any corporate to be ready for the present and future needs, but like all other careers to be successful in corporate training you need to possess competencies required to be a good corporate trainer
Is Corporate Training Effective ?
This depends on the expertise for corporate trainer that whether the corporate training imparted by him will be effective. To make a corporate training effective a proper diagnosis of the problem and knowledge of the audience and expectations of the management have to be very clear to the corporate trainer . Formative and summative assessment of the participants help make a corporate training very effective there are there are many tools which can be used to measure the effect of a corporate training.
Corporate-Training Design
Instead of using tools for impact assessment it is advised that they are used regularly for impact assurance. This is good habit to deeply screen Corporate Trainer Profile before hiring one.
Is Corporate Training Important ?
In today’s VUCA world corporate training has become imperative because employees regularly need to learn new tools and technologies. The shelf life of all tools and technologies has gone down drastically therefore training them regularly is very important.Employees need to to learn unlearn and relearn all the time which can be achieved by regular corporate training programs
What Are Corporate Training Programs
Corporate Training Programs are interventions conducted in organisations to develop the employees by Learning and Development Department, These programs can be from 1 or 2 hour to a few days duration. Corporate training programs are conducted based on employees training need assessment or these are mapped with employees competency gaps.These days most of the corporate want their corporate training programs to be online which are delivered through learning management system where HR department can keep track of every individual employee’s learning.
What Are Corporate Training Jobs ?
Corporate training jobs are offered by corporate to potential candidates who can impart corporate trainings to their employees. These trainings can be induction trainings, product trainings, soft skills trainings or corporate trainings for various kinds of Technical training
Why Do Corporate Training Programs Fail ?
There can be a plethora of reasons for any corporate training program to fail. Ror example corporate training program is designed to solve a problem but that solution is not validated against the problem. Sometimes the content of the program is not valid, sometimes programs fail due to poor delivery methods.

To make sure that a corporate training program gives good result, It needs proper diagnosis, content development, to be based on adult learning principles, feedback after the programme and action plan to be developed for the participants. Which is followed up after 2, 3 weeks. Motivation can only make participants eager to change only for few days but there has to be a system that participants can put new learnings in their habit so that the corporate training programs give intended results
Does Corporate Training Work ?
This depends on the design and effectiveness of the training program. Corporate training conducted by experienced trainer with good design would certainly give results.
Approximately How Much Does Corporate Training Cost ?
How Much Do Corporate Trainers Charge ?
Roughly How Much Do Corporate Trainers Make In India ?
Corporate Training Costs depend on the scope of the work and the experience of the corporate trainer. Based on both the factors the cost of a corporate training can be INR 10,000 rupees to even 2,00,000 or more. On the average a corporate training program for junior level employees would cost around 10 to 15,000 rupees, for middle level employees 15,000 to 30,000 rupees and for senior level employees 50,000 to 1.5 Lakh rupees.
How Corporate Training Has Evolved ?
Corporate training has evolved with the evolution of new processes in corporate. Now instead of only instructor-led training, blended training approach is more prevalent. Corporate want to make training programs cost effective and impactful. For that use of technology is continuously growing, lots of Data Analysis is being done in the field of Learning and Development to make learning and development spending provide maximum Return on Investment ( ROI ). A latest corporate trainer certification can help you learn more.
How To Market Corporate Training Programs ?
Marketing is an important part else you would be searching for Corporate Trainer Jobs. To market your corporate training programs, you require
- Programs which can give good Results.
- Proper understanding of your audience. Whom you need to contact ? This could be the people taking care of training department.
- You need a good website and some articles on your blog to impress them.
- These days some video recordings of your training programs on Youtube or elsewhere would help you impress your clients.
- Once you are ready with a good profile you can approach your clients and understand their needs instead of selling what you have. You need to understand your client’s pain areas and provide them with the right solution
How To Start Corporate Training Business ?
First of all you need to understand this is not just a business, this is a profession where you are helping others grow. For that first requirement is your own growth as a corporate trainer. A Train the Trainer Course would not only give you a Corporate Trainer Certificate, this will help you learn basic of Corporate training. There are lot of such corporate trainer courses are available.
After that you need to conduct as many training programs as possible for experience. At the outset you should not go for money, rather you should try to work with established trainers as Junior Trainer or Assistant Trainer and learn from their experiences.
When you can conduct full day sessions, you can consider yourself a corporate trainer.
When your clients start giving you repeat business then you are a good Corporate Trainer. The other is that you do not become a corporate trainer but start a corporate training business by aligning existing corporate training with HR. Here you are working as a Corporate Training Company. There are hundreds of such Corporate Training Companies in India, especially in big cities like Delhi, Gurgaon, Noida, Mumbai, Banglore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kolkata etc..
How To Make Training Programs Fun and Engaging ?
Making you training fun is very important because that’s how adults learn. If adults don’t enjoy learning it does not retain. This is Andragogy , different to Pedagogy – how children learn. There can be many methods using which you can make your training program fun and you can increase the participation. This can be achieved by using various kinds of activities, case studies, videos, music, NLP and icebreaker activities. You can award participants with small gifts when they perform good to keep them motivated and engaged
How To Pitch Training Programs?
The business of Corporate training is the business of providing solutions. To pitch your corporate training you need to understand the client’s problems and their pain areas, then you need to provide them with the right solution. If they like your solution they would buy, instead of selling what you have you should try to understand the client’s problem and provide solution
How To Get Corporate Training Clients ?
There can be two ways of getting clients for corporate trainings
- One you directly approach the HR people . You can get connected with them on social platforms like linkedin or engage with them in various HR conferences.
- Second option is you send your profile to various corporate training companies and they would recommend you to their clients. But in both the options two things are very important one you should be a good trainer and you should have good profile or website.
What Is Corporate Training Material ?
Usually reference material provided to participants in the form of prints, software, handbook etc after a corporate training is called corporate training material. But in reality corporate training material consists of not only reference material for participants but also participants workbook, questionnaires, case studies etc and trainers notes.
What Is The Salary Of A Corporate Trainer ?
Corporate Training in India is getting lot of momentum. The salary package of a corporate trainer can range from 3,00,000 rupees per annum to 40,000,00 lac rupees per annum depending on experience and qualifications. But mostly corporate offer 3,00,000 to 12,00,000 lac salary for corporate trainer jobs in India.
Who Are Corporate Trainers ?
Corporate trainer are learning and development professionals who train employees of various organisations, these training sessions can be a few hours to a few days, at a stretch or spread over months.
What Do Corporate Trainers Teach ?
There are hundreds of topics corporate trainer train their participants on, Broadly they day can be divided into soft skill trainings, technical trainings, competency based trainings or skill development trainings.
How much do Corporate Trainers charge ?
Make In India ?
Get Paid ?
Earn ?
A good corporate trainer can make from 1 lakh to 5 lakh per month in India
How To Become a Corporate Trainer ?
The first and foremost requirement is to do a train the trainer course for certification. You should remember that a train the trainer course of a few days or a week will not suffice. You need to do a longer duration duration course where you can also take practical experience with some experience and senior trainers is the best way once you have finished your course you can start your training interventions with lower level employees and with the experience you can slowly move towards leadership team where you can charge more money
What Is Freelance Corporate Trainer ?
A freelance corporate trainer is someone who is working in a corporate to train their employees or in a training agency to train the employees of training Agency’s clients. He is working alone and trains employees of his direct clients. Freelance corporate trainer can work directly with the client or through many many Corporate Training Companies and online platforms to find a client. Any Corporate Training Company would like to empanel a good Trainer.
What Makes A Good Corporate Trainer ?
There are various parameters which make a good corporate trainer, some of them are
- You should be able to engage your participants
- You need to make training programs interesting and result oriented.
- A Good Trainer should be able to motivate your participants to learn and change
- Effective Trainers have good command over language and voice modulation techniques like verbal intermediation may help you to impress the participants and motivate them
- Various courses like NLP or hypnosis for coaching may help you do a better training
- You should know how to assess the training results e.g. NPS – Net Promoter Score.
- You should be able to to right diagnosis of the problems by engaging all potential stakeholders.
You can Read mote on this here – 7 Habits of Great Corporate Trainers
Why Become A Corporate Trainer?
You can choose to be a corporate trainer because of many reasons. Some of them are mentioned below…
- You have the freedom to be your own boss, and you can work as per your convenience.
- You are regularly meeting with new people and your life is always exciting.
- If you are a good trainer you get paid well for what you love doing.
- You can travel a lot and see different places
- You are in a helping business and you are helping people grow and achieve their true potential that will give you a lot of satisfaction.
- There is no limit for earning. The great corporate trainer and even in crores.
- You yourself will be regularly learning and upgrading yourself that will keep you always in demand
Questions Compiled and Answered by Team VATS, the awesome team of Vikas Vikas. If have any query related to Corporate Trainings, You are welcome to contact Team VATS, we shall be glad to assist you.
5 Responses
Beautiful post that I have come across I am really very thankful to you for sharing this article among us. Corporate training is really very important and every organization must conduct this program so as to have employees with good qualities and who can accomplish business goals.
The article clearly mentions all the ins and outs of being and becoming a corporate trainer It is very thorough and very well researched article with all the challenges and opportunities. I really like reading the article Thanks for writing it.
Thanks for your comment and liking the article.
really such a good blog ………must the information given over here.
Like!! Thank you for publishing this awesome article.